Masterkaya “KSP” – Bureau of “Complex Architectural Planing and Design” — a group of professionals with many years of experience in Russia and abroad.
We have created more than 50 master plans, designed more than 120 objects and complexes.
Our clients:
We know how to make beautiful and competent master plans with a maximum of usable space.
An integrated design approach allows as to take into account all the nuances in the early stages and helps us to create a comfortable and functional spaces and buildings.
We will be glad to cooperate with you and we hope that our knowledge and experience will be useful to you.
Selected works of our company (PDF 10 mb) English
- master plans of districts and micro districts
- complexes of residential buildings
- residential buildings
- transport hubs
- bus and railway stations
- road crossing complexes
- utility networks
- industrial complexes
- logistic complexes
- roads
- railways